Global Dreaming News

June 2007

Email all dream news to Harry Bosma at his special address.

- Dream Video Picks of the Month
- Twisk Dreambase
- Dream Journals on the Net
- Russian Dream Art Gallery
- Dream Maps

Physical world:
- IASD News: Three Conferences
- Canada: Christopher Sowton Dreamreading Seminar
- Berkeley: the Dream Institute
- New Mexico: Victoria Rabinowe
- North Carolina: Tom Lane's Circle of Dreams
- New England Psychics Meetup Group

Books, movies, research:
- Griffin: Expectation fulfilment theory
- Light in lucid dreams

- Various calenders
- Toko-pa Turner's Dreamspeak Column
- Strephon Says: Podcasts and blog
- Ritual DaFuMu for Peace


Dream Video Picks of the Month

Creating and sharing videos is now easier than ever before. What are dreamers putting online? This month we have a theme of recurring dreams.

Episode 3 of a Recurring Dream Serie: Alessa - Instr0

Recurring Dreams - Renetto

A Recurring Dream Within A Dream - break9away

Have you found other dream videos, or created your own, let us know.

Richard Wilkerson

Twisk Dreambase

The Twisk Dreambase has returned online!

Twisk Dreambase is an online dream archive that turned into a multi-user blog over the years. It’s been online from 1999 - 2004. Then it went underground for a while (circumstances, circumstances!). Now it’s 2007 and time for a comeback!

Twisk Dreambase is a blog where anyone can post and discuss dreams.

matchAdream serves as the collective log for the world's sleep dreams. Here you can discover what the world has been dreaming about, and even submit your own dreams to the collection.

Have you ever wondered if somebody has had the same dream as you? Would you like to know if you have had the same dream as somebody else at the same time? Perhaps somebody who you've never met and lives in another country? allows you to maintain a dream diary, search the database of dreams by keyword, and it can automatically match your dreams with others from all over the world free of charge.

Dream Journals on the Net

Jono’s Demented Dream Journal:

I Dream by Melanie:

Dream Prophesy by Joi:

I'm especially looking for current dream journals that present drawings and other pictures. Please email me if you have or know one.

Harry Bosma

Russian Dream Art Gallery

Maria Volchenko invites you to visit the dream art gallery on her website.

Dream Maps

Former news editor Peggy Coats of Dreamtree fame created another wonderfully designed new website Dream Maps. This is what she says about it:

"Dream Mapping is a creative way of working with dreams through the construction of dream maps: image assemblages or collages derived directly from our dreams. If you know others who might be interested, please feel free to forward this message on! There is a place on the website to sign up for the mailing list."

Check it out at:

Physical world

IASD News: Three Conferences

The Spirit Of The Dream

Sonoma - June 29 To July 3, 2007

The big one. Register now, enter The Spirit of the Dream, and join our dream community on the beautiful campus of Sonoma State University, in Rohnert Park, California (in wine country, one hour north of San Francisco). Visit the IASD 2007 conference page for more information. Help IASD by sharing this link with a friend or colleague.

Dreams and Culture

UK - September 7 to 9, 2007
at Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln, England

Our dreams reflect the culture in which we live, our culture shapes our dreams and in some societies, dreams have shaped culture. This conference explores the ways in which our dreams and culture interact and encourages submissions from a range of disciplines.

Psiberdreaming 2007 - Psi Dreams and Creativity

Call for presentations

Since it began six years ago, IASD's PsiberDreaming Online Conference has become one of the finest conferences available anywhere on the Internet: reasonably priced and lots of fun.

This year's conference, scheduled from Sunday, September 23 through Sunday, October 7, will be developed around a theme of Psi Dreams and Creativity in the arts, in science, and in daily life.

What are psi dreams? Experiences with precognition, retrocognition, deja vu, dream telepathy, remote viewing, mutual dreaming, lucidity and psychokinesis all apply. Have you ever done creative work based on any of these experiences in your dreams?

PsiberDreaming conferences involve paper presentations, workshops, and other activities, scheduled each day of the two-week online conference. If you have an idea for a presentation, send a title plus a brief synopsis to Conference co-host, Jean Campbell at , by July 30, 2007. Earlier is better. Guidelines for online presentation will be sent to presenters upon acceptance of their proposals. Presenters must agree to answer questions and interact with conference participants for at least two days after their presentations are put up online.

The IASD website:

Canada: Christopher Sowton Dreamreading Seminar

A Method and Manual for using Dreams in the Service of Health
Presented by Christopher Sowton, N.D.

A dedicated researcher and map-maker of the dream world, Christopher Sowton, Naturopath and Homeopath, shares his experience and insights on how to use dreams to guide and support healing.

Christopher has broken new ground in teaching healers to think outside the realm of ego-bound consciousness and improve their ability to pick up messages from the unconscious.

In this interactive seminar, with the use of video clips of actual dream material, you will be walked through the Dreamreading Manual to learn a practical method for understanding and making use of dreams in clinical practice and in everyday life. Dreamreading complements all types of health care practices.

For more information or to register: or call 416-588-9649

Saturday, June 23, 2007
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
28 Madison Avenue.
(1 Block E of Spadina, N of Bloor)
Dreamreading Manual included

Berkeley: the Dream Institute

The Dream Institute of Northern California
1672 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703

The Dream Institute offers the following during June and July 2007.

Culture Dreaming

Saturday June 2, 3-5 pm

Join us as we look at dreams for their societal meanings rather than personal. Open to dreamers and nondreamers alike, no experience necessary!

Invitation to Beauty

Sunday June 10, 2-4 pm

Summer Community Gathering & Celebration
for Ruth Gendler’s new book, Notes on the Need for Beauty.

Dreams at the Creative Edge

Friday June 22, 7:30-9 pm

A free open forum with Richard Russo and Meredith Sabini. A follow-up workshop will begin in July.

We explore the synergistic link between dreams and creativity. We will present some inspiring vignettes of dreams that influenced creative work in the arts, medicine, science, and the humanities. You are welcome to bring in dreams connected with a creative quest or endeavor of your own.

Follow-up Workshops

Four Thursdays, 7-9 pm
July 12, 26 August 9, 16

This workshop will provide a relaxed environment where participants can explore dreams and the edge of a creative project of any type, whether artistic, scientific, academic, or physical. We may call upon writing, drawing, dream incubation, and active imagination to open up and extend the creative edges.

New Mexico: Victoria Rabinowe

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dreaming arts Studio, Santa Fe
1:00-6:30 p.m. $50.

If you don’t break your ropes while you are alive, Do you think ghosts will do it after? -Kabir

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dreaming arts Studio, Santa Fe
1:00-6:30 p.m. $50.

In Honor of Father's Day
Wise old man, Elder,
Teacher, Guide,
Deity, Heavenly
Father, Protector,
Advocate, Hero,
Tyrant, Villain,
Patriarch, Priest,
Healer, Father of
Nations, Ruler, King,
Ancestor, Authority,

Bring a "Father" dream.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dreaming arts Studio, Santa Fe
1:00-6:30 p.m. $50.

In Honor of the Summer Solstice
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us....
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dreaming arts Studio, Santa Fe

Like a seed,
the dream carries the cipher of the past and a blueprint for the
Each dream holds the promise of our potential waiting to be

Saturday, June 30, 2007

2:00 - 4:00 International Association for the Study of Dreams
Sonoma State University, California

A two hour interactive & experiential class with audience participation:
Dreams will be deconstructed and realigned with expressive techniques that are insightful, experimental and non-invasive.
Journal work in “The Art of the Dream” offers healing guidance into the realm of enchantment, the landscape of myth and the genius of the night mind.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

International Association for the Study of Dreams* Sonoma State University, California 11:30-12:30

An exhibition/presentation with fifty dream journals illustrated with collage, drawings, prose and poetry will demonstrate how expressive arts can transform dreams. Guided techniques featuring universal themes and archetypes will demonstrate how power, medicine and magic can transform nightmare and paradox into deep inner soul work.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Dreaming arts Studio, Santa Fe
1:00-6:30 p.m. $50.

In Honor of Independence Day
Let Freedom Ring!
No matter how perplexing or disturbing, each dream narrative points to our inalienable rights by offering images that either hold or withhold our freedom to act, to speak or to think. Independence day is a day of liberation from dependency and external control. This is a day for release from restrictive attachments. This is a day to exercise immunity from the authority of inner tyranny and self abuse. This is a day of rebellion!

Visit the website:

Victoria Rabinowe
Dreaming Arts Studio
1432 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe
505 988-1086

North Carolina: Tom Lane's Circle of Dreams

Gathering of Men and Women Exploring Nighttime Dreams Together

Friday, Sept. 21, '07 5:45 PM, 'til Sun., Sept. 23, '07 3:00 PM
at St Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC

* Learn essential wisdom your dreams have come to tell you.
* Discover their specific meanings for your own health and wholeness.
* Enjoy a depth of camaraderie with other dreamers -- men and women.

For more information, financing concerns or to check availability, contact Tom at (336) 545 -1200 or

New England Psychics Meetup Group

The New England Psychics Meetup Group comes together in bi-weekly Psychic Development Fun meetings, to talk and experiment with a variety of topics. The group invites all psychics, mediums, divination experts, tarot readers and especially dreamers. Experiments and exercises are done both during daytime and in dreams.

The group is based in Providence / Warwick, RI. Dreamers in the area with an interest in psi dreaming are encouraged to check out the group's website. Joining is free, meetups are still free as well.

Books, movies, research

Griffin: Expectation fulfilment theory

Joe Griffin offers a website explaining his expectation fulfilment theory. From the page explaining the theory:

"The expectation fulfilment theory of dreaming was first published in the peer reviewed journal The Therapist (1993), forerunner of the Human Givens Journal, and, despite wide exposure, has not been successfully contended."


"Since it was first published it has received much support from psychologists, brain researchers and interested members of the public from whom we welcome further ideas and comments on the subject. Please send them to us."

Light in lucid dreams

Dear Lucid Dreamers,

I have been researching on the experience of Light in lucid dreams and have been collecting different lucid dreams to bring the breath and depth of these experiences and looking at the phenomena itself. This is a continuation of a study I started twenty years, which you might be familiar with, on the spiritual dimensions of lucid dreaming.

I would like to invite you to contribute a dream or two related to your experience of light in lucid dream or hypnagogic experiences.

If you are interested please send me a note at and I will give you more detail.

Thank you for considering. With all good wishes,

Fariba Bogzaran


Various calenders

Nicole Gratton (Canada):

Robert Moss (USA):

Jeremy Taylor (California):

Toko-pa Turner's Dreamspeak Column

Toko-pa Turner started a weekly column about dreams on her blog. Find the link to that column, a great discussion forum, workshops, dream interpretation and more on the website.

Strephon Says: Podcasts and blog

Strephon Kaplan-Williams is an international expert on dreams and dreamwork. Now in retirement age Strephon gives his podcasts.

Ritual DaFuMu for Peace

The World Dreams Peace Bridge, on the 15th of each month, is holding a monthly DaFuMu - a collective dream of good fortune - to support peace.

For more information go to:

To join the World Dreams Peace Bridge discussion group, just send an e-mail to .