Global Dreaming News

December 2005

If you have news you'd like to share, simply email Harry Bosma at his special address.

- Le Rêve planétaire 2005
- Archive for Research into Archetypal Symbolism
- Beyond Your Dreams radio show

Physical world:
- California: Beyond Traditional Religion
- Denmark: Nordic Dream Conference

Books, movies, research:
- Robert Moss: The Dreamer's Book Of The Dead
- Comparing Lucid and Non-Lucid Dreams
- Video Game Attitudes and Dreams

Recurring events:
- Ritual DaFuMu for Peace
- Auction at


Le Rêve planétaire 2005

The yearly Planetary Dream at the winter solstice is coming up. The solstice is in the night of the 21st to the 22nd of December 2005. Like previous years there will be a theme, which everyone is invited to dream on. The theme of last year was climate warming. At the moment of publishing, the theme for this year had yet to be determined.

An information page in English should be available soon. You can send your dreams to Roger Ripert.

Email: (Roger Ripert)
French info page:

Archive for Research into Archetypal Symbolism

ARAS is proud to announce the perfect companion tool for exploring symbolic imagery in dreams. The ARAS Online website contains the entire Archive for Research into Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) repository of 17,000 images and 20,000 pages of accompanying psychological and cultural commentary. Begun in the 1930's as a way of giving specific content to Jung's notion of the collective unconscious, access to ARAS was granted to only a handful of scholars until the creation of this brand new website.

The new ARAS Online website facilitates the process of dream interpretation and amplification by making available a beautifully displayed archive of symbolic material from every culture since the beginning of time. ARAS joins the computer's unique ability to search archetypal themes to the psyche's natural process of expressing its deeper concerns through dream imagery. Far more than a symbol dictionary, this site encourages the exploration of symbolic material through a journey of active searching and unexpected meandering that allows the multivalent meaning of dreams to emerge.

The site's home page can be found at .

Beyond Your Dreams radio show

I'd like to invite you to listen to my new weekly internet radio show entitled "Beyond Your Dreams: Exploring Myth, Meaning & Metaphor", on . The show airs on Thursdays at 2:00 pm Pacific, but obviously is heard in all time zones around the world if you have Windows Media Player or something equivalent. Past shows can be accessed on the Archives pages. Also you can listen to past shows by going to my website and then going to the Beyond Your Dreams area of the site.

I am always looking for guests to have on my show, anyone who is doing interesting work in the field of dreams. Authors, analysts, & researchers --you are all welcome to contact me!

I appreciate your comments and feedback -- all in the spirit of gaining greater knowledge and insight into the subconscious ... and beyond.

Sweet dreams,
Denise Rodgers, M.Div., C.Ht.

Physical world:

California: Beyond Traditional Religion

Spirituality, Depth Psychology, and Nonduality

This unique five-month intensive will illustrate an approach to spirituality using a synthesis of Jungian depth psychology with the tradition of nonduality. The program will have both an academic and experiential component. We will discuss the philosophy of nonduality and also focus on work with dreams at their archetypal and personal level. This work will deepen our understanding of those complexes and shadow material that form the structures of the self, which contributes to our illusory sense of separateness. Insight into this process paves the way for nondual awareness to spontaneously arise. This program will be of interest to people whose personal sense of the sacred is not satisfied by traditional religions and will be limited to 30 participants.

The five-month intensive will be held at Pacifica Graduate Institute at Ladera Lane. Located on 35 acres in the foothills of the Santa Ynez Mountains overlooking the Pacifica Ocean, this residential retreat center provides a unique and peaceful environment for this event. The center has lodging and dining facilities as well as a swimming pool and hiking trails.

January - June 2005

Denmark: Nordic Dream Conference

Co-organised by the Danish Association for the Study of Dreams and the Swedish Dröm Grupps Forum as a regional meeting of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

March 24-26th, 2006
Copenhagen, Denmark

More information at

Books, movies, research

Robert Moss: The Dreamer's Book Of The Dead

A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying and the Other Side

In The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead, Robert Moss explains that we have entirely natural contact with the departed in our dreams, when they come visiting and we may travel into their realms. As we become active dreamers, we can heal our relationship with the departed and move beyond the fear of death. We also can develop the skills to function as soul guides for others, helping the dying to approach the last stage of life with courage and grace, opening gates for their journeys beyond death, and even escorting them to the Other Side.

Comparing Lucid and Non-Lucid Dreams

In order to further our understanding of the extent to which lucid dreams differ from non-lucid dreams in other ways than (obviously) whether or not the dreamer knows it is a dream at the time, we have designed a new questionnaire study, a revision of an earlier pilot study. In short, we are asking you to fill out a web questionnaire and report form four times; Two of these reports should be lucid dreams, and two should be non-lucid dreams.

The Lucidity Institute

Video Game Attitudes and Dreams

You are invited to participate in research by Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D., psychology faculty at Grant MacEwan College examining video game play attitudes and experiences as well as experiences of various states of consciousness including dreams.

There are three questionnaires and two small video games which you will be asked to complete. You will be asked about your video game playing history and preferences or the lack there of as well as your experiences with various types of dreams and other experiences of consciousness. You will also be asked to indicate your age, sex, education and work history. No other personal information will be requested. You will also be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding your preferences for specific components of video games as well as another questionnaire regarding your feelings while playing video games. Finally you will be asked to play two very brief video games, pacman and missile command, which are in java script. Therefore your browser should be java enhanced in order to do that part of the research.

More information and the consent form:

Recurring events

Ritual DaFuMu for Peace

The World Dreams Peace Bridge, on the 15th of each month, is holding a monthly DaFuMu (a collective dream of good fortune: to support peace.

In joining a DaFuMu each month we will be seeking the mandala of peace within the universal mind: learning what it is to be peaceful at a personal level, how to act in a peaceful manner within the world, and accessing and supporting the general mandala of peace available to all people. So, please join in on the 15th of each month. Before sleeping set your intention to dream towards the mandala of peace.

If you feel that your dream has touched upon a symbol that can be used within the mandala of peace we are creating, or on a particular relation of peace, please let us know. Just send your comment, picture or dream to To join the World Dreams Peace Bridge discussion group, just send an e-mail to .

Auction at

The IASD online auction has its own website -! Every month it has new items to bid on, and opportunities to donate your books, services etc to support the IASD!

If you have any questions or would like to donate an item to the auction, you may contact Kat Peters-Midland at .