
Continents on a hollow Earth.

Lavender excerpt:

"Drilling into the crust of Mother Earth stabs deep into Her tissue. It’s the foreign object – the drill – that causes the punctures – that wounds her and creates cracks in the earth."

Judy B. Gardiner

Today I'm working in the emergency room for the first time. At first there is nothing much to do, and I'm talking casually with my colleagues.
Then there is an admission, and the doctor in charge is looking for someone to be responsible for the case. She may be around my age, blonde, her face and whole appearance tell me she is used to lead by making fast decisions. I hope she won't take me, as I'm new. Well, to no avail, she looks around, and I'm close, she points at me, asking for my qualification. I say, I'm inexperienced, here, but then - I'm speaking a bit below my voice - I'm a nurse. I'm feeling not very self-confident.
It seems that is enough, she tells me the name of a man which I don't clearly get, something like "Ligurski", tells me to order three bags of packed red blood cells and get him an identity bracelet. She hands me the papers and off she goes.
So I'm left with the name I didn't understand right and some instructions. I look around, and there is a group of persons of mixed gender, six, maybe, sitting together. They are all looking deranged and ill, maybe around 60 or 70 years old, all nearly bald, bloated, unhealthy complexion. So who is the patient? I call the name as I understood it: "Mr. Ligurski", and one man corrects me: "Sigurski (or same such), and it is my wife."
The usual chaotic communication, I think. I come closer, and this woman lays on the hospital bed, in spite of my many years of nursing an appalling sight: Her pelvis is empty, just a hollow cavity, and also the abdominal wall and buttocks are nearly gone. There is still a chunk of flesh on her left bottom, and another smaller one on her right side. The bones seem to be somehow still intact, but the whole lower spine is disconnected, hanging loose. Her vagina is still intact, but like the spine it isn't really connected, just like a thin strip. I wonder how this woman can still be alive.
Yes, and she tosses and turns, I see her spine bending dangerously, I fear it might break. As I look her in the eyes she says: "My man made love with me from 20 to 50." (don't recall the exact numbers). I understand she wants to say her condition is due to him stopping to have sex with her. Still I wonder if he stopped, because she got ill. And then, besides the superficial layer of vagina, there is nothing inside, but emptiness, how should this work?
I really don't know what to do. Somehow I have a tube of unction in my hand, and treat the ulcerated and inflamed rim of what remained of her abdominal wall. I know this isn't causal therapy.
Then I go. I go outside for a break, I eat something, I smoke a cigarette. It is a really nice and warm sunny day, I'm taking a joyful walk. The trees lining the street are in full green. And then I recall I'm away for too long. I still haven't ordered the packed red blood cells. How can I be so forgetful?
Back in the emergency room I look what happend in my absence, but I'm not sure if anybody cared for my case. I'm feeling guilty. I have not coped with my responsibility.

There is no way to say who started the conversation. In the last months of 2017 the peacebridge and many other dream friends prayed for rain to extinguish the fires in California. Now with the first days of the new year there has been hard rain, and casualties through mudslides.

Shakti foresaw that in a precognitive dream for January. Maureen shared a beautiful uplifting dream about Mother Earth yesterday. In discussions on facebook and peacebridge I wrote:
"it seems people go numb and number, and feeling powerless in the face of global changes. I feel numbing is a contagious disease, and it is hard to keep up my resistance.
I wonder how we can make a difference?" And:
"At the time I'm more tuned in to Mother Earth, reading Judy Gardiner's "Lavender"...
Just read how she and her guides "talk" about cosmic dreaming.
It seems she learned how to dream awake (or call it channeling).
I understand this ability is resulting from intense dreamwork and building bridges between dream and day."

Jean replied: "Well, Ralf, if you start talking with the Earth answers, let us know what she has to say, okay? :)"

Again read "Lavender" before sleep. When I finally closed my eyes, I had a fearful moment like I've not encountered before: Out of the blue I had fear of death, and the impression of suffocating, while my breath went fine, no physical reason. I stayed with this feeling and kept breathing relaxed, until it vanished. Puzzling. I dozed off with Mother Earth on my mind, and with this dream she was speaking to me, I'm sure.

And these are her words, again:
"My man made love with me from 20 to 50."

So, the core of it is about love!

Judy's "Lavender" (= lava under) tuned me in to plate tectonics... and I understand the pelvic area of Mother Earth is like an empty globe, with the two remaining chunks of flesh representing the continents Eurasia and the Americas (see the picture I appended to the dream)

Spine and vagina seem to depict the global mid ocean ridge system. Treating the ulcerated inflamed rim (of continents) may relate to the "ring of fire" where tectonic plates meet in subduction zones. The following article may serve as an illustration:

Mother Earth tosses and turns, which may translate to higher tectonic activity. Fractures of global ridge do already exist, and are called transform faults:

Transform faults: I'm again so hard on myself. While for different reasons (like in any relation, love relations especially) I try to leave guilty feelings behind, stop the blaming game and develop a mature way of dealing with responsibility, during this transformation I still often feel it is all my fault. Sometimes I laugh about myself, sometimes these feelings are just a burden, a load I don't want to carry anymore.
I want to have beautiful dreams and days, I want to take a break and enjoy my life, as in the dream. This is also Nature. This is Mother Earth, a beautiful place, supplying us with all we need.

And it seems I can't enjoy for too long. My forgetfulness I see as a part of being numb. I think it is important to understand, because joy may be a remedy for going numb in the face of global challenges.

Three units of packed red blood cells, so the female doctor says, is what the patient needs. Three packs are actually an emergency treatment, when blood loss is very high. Mother Earth is apparently bleeding to death from the many wounds humanity inflicted upon her.
Red blood cells are carrying oxygen, in German we say the are the "sap of life" (Lebenssaft). Trees as in my dream are producing oxygen, and "consuming" carbon dioxide, which goes round to a central point in the discussion of burning forests and mudslides in California: Imbalanced climate through global warming. Also I feel this remedy relates to my impression of suffocating before sleep. Also I think the rim of continent I treated, the subduction/ fault zone is meant to be California. An equivalent of blood cells would be trees for Mother Earth. So planting trees would be an emergency treatment.

I know I have somehow identified the patient (the identity bracelet), so one part of mission nearly completed. Still this part is mysterious through the names, which I don't clearly recall, and the male/ female confusion. I understand, that it isn't Mother Earth alone, being ill. It is also the male principle, say Father Sky. We all suffer, by neglecting ourselves, our Nature.
They/ we are husband and wife, but they/ we don't practice their/ our love anymore.

So, apart from the emergency treatment, we need to love ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. Enjoy each other, live life embracing male and female qualities, each in its own right. From this starting point: no need for guilt driven behavior; responsible, healing activities are emerging naturally.

So, Jean (and all), I let you know what Mother Earth had to say :)